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Jeremy Degroat

At EWD, Jeremy Degroat seeks to apply iterative software development methodologies towards solving business problems with increasingly complex technical requirements. Previous to EWD, Mr. Degroat worked for Intelytics, Inc. managing the development of Site Sentinel, a server-based tool that scans remote websites for user privacy violations. In his earlier work for iventurelab, Inc., he oversaw the design and implementation of a web-based intranet portal site, web-based commercial exchange, and several other projects interfacing large user bases with complex functional and database back-ends. In addition, he helped architect and implement the first generation of OpenUniverse, a secure and efficient replacement for application-level networking protocols. As a result of a varied technical background, Mr. Degroat has in-depth familiarity with both Microsoft and UNIX-based platforms, proficiency with Java, C, C++, ASP, and Visual Basic, and experience in database environments such as PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL.

Mr. Degroat majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University with a concentration in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
Miles Wallace
Dean Bocetti
Hrishikesh Bal
Jeremy Degroat
Kurnia Wonoatmojo

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